Sandy Skeels Kilburn
Sandy Skeels Kilburn is the daughter of a recovering alcoholic who was sober for the last 30 years of his life. In her work as a mental health counselor, she developed a passion for strengthening families. She was involved in organizing the first Swanton Well-Child Clinic and the first MVU High School drug-free graduation party. She taught self-esteem building groups in Swanton schools and facilitated parent education and support groups. She has been a board member of Prevent Child Abuse Vermont, Franklin County Home Health, the Northwestern Medical Center Board of Incorporators, and Restorative Justice, where she continues to sit once a month on the Swanton panel. She currently sits on the NOTCH Board of Directors and is active on several of the Swanton Enhancement Project task forces, having served as one of the original organizers
“When you come from the heart you can’t go wrong”