Melinda White

Melinda White is a person in long-term recovery, as well as a Certified Recovery Coach and MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) Care Coordinator/ Navigator. She serves multiple organizations including the Governor’sOCC (Opioid Coordination Council) Recovery and Prevention Committees, Franklin / Grand Isle Community Partnership Executive Lead Team, the local recovery community, COSA member with Restorative Justice Center and is a volunteer musician at Church of the Rock and Cambridge Christian Fellowship. Historically, she has served on the following board of directors: Turning Point of Franklin County and Vermont Recovery Network. Presently, she serves on the board of directors for Samaritan House / Tim’s House (local homeless shelter). Her passion for helping the community’s most vulnerable people is what keeps her committed to volunteer and service work, as well as strengthens her personal recovery. With a heart for people and families struggling with addiction, Melinda’s goal in life is to be of maximum service to her fellows and community.